gcses biology paper 1( section 3)

Gcses biology paper 1 (section 3)

1: you should know that photosynthesis is anabolic and respiration is catabolic process.
2:You should know that we call a waste product an excretory product when it is made inside the body.

3:You should know that homeostasis is maintenance of a constant internal environment and negative feedback is a process opposite to the stimulus sensed by the body.

 4:you should know that regulation of blood glucose concentration and water potential and blood osmotic pressure are all examples  of homeostasis.

5:Make yourself  well aware with the nervous system of mammals, the main labelling should be clear in your mind.

 6:the question that usually confuses students is the responses that has been produced by hand for feet or by lower body parts, are controlled by spinal cord and not the brain ,the brain only gets Awareness of the response.

7:You should only know what is sensory neurone , relay neurone ,receptors motor neurone and motor end plate . the rest of the things involved in labelling are not important.

8:You should know the functions of cerebrum, hypothalamus, cerebellum and medulla oblongata .

9:You should know that the reflex actions  are the immediate response to a specific stimulus without conscious control.

10:You should keep in mind an example of reflex action that is a knee jerk.

11:Keep in mind the sequence of a reflex arc.

12:Make yourself clear with the labelling of Eyes.

13:You should know that there are two antagonistic muscles in IRIS of eyes that are circular and radial muscles that contract and relax to control the diameter of Pupil according to the requirement depending upon the light intensity.

14:You should know that the refraction of light in eye is caused by cornea, aqueous humour, lens and vitreous humour respectively.

15:You should know that lens accommodates itself according to the requirement and it is aided by ciliary muscles and suspensory ligaments respectively, the sequence of how these two work  should be clear in your mind.

16:You should know that retina contains rods and cones and in rods there is  purple pigment present known as visual purple that requires vitamin A to be formed thus the disease night blindness can be treated by giving a patient vitamin A supplements this is usually asked.!

17:You should know that what is the accommodation of lens for a a distance object and a near object.
18:You should know that adrenaline is a hormone produced by adrenal glands and that cause fight or flight condition.

19:Make yourself aware with the difference between endocrine and exocrine glands.

20:1 MCQ that almost comes repeatedly is that adrenaline causes the conversion of (glycogen to glucose) because body needs an increase amount of energy.

21:You should be well aware with the difference between nervous and hormonal control system.

 22:Related to drugs you should know that the smoking or alcohol consumption cause affects even after u have stopped the consumption. This question usually comes in form of graphs.
23:You should also know that there are four main harmful Chemicals present in cigarette smoke that are included in our syllabus you should be well aware with the type of diseases or affects that are caused by these chemicals.

23: You should know that antibiotics are effective against bacteria and fungi and not viruses.....

Tired ........ok we will continue it in our next and last session .wish you all the very best for your gcses.....bye


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