Gcse biology PAPER 1 (section 4)
Gcses biology paper 1( section 4) LETS CONTINUE WITH OUR LAST SECTION......... 1:You should know what is emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis and chronic obstructive lung disease. 2: In paper they usually give diagrams of alveoli affected by emphysema and we have to detect the disease. 3:You should know that viruses are inert particles and can only reproduce in other host cells. 4: make yourself well aware with the labelling of a virus, bacteria and unicellular and multicellular fungus. 5:You should know that bacteria don't have a true nucleus because the mostly ask it. 6:You should know that yeast is a unicellular fungus and reproduces by budding multicellular fungi have sports for reproduction. 7:Decomposers have two advantages one is there remove LAND FILTH SITES and other is they increase fertility of soil. 8:Make yourself well aware with the process of yoghurt bread cheese and alcohol making the questions related to this section are mostly ask...